Title: Random [Fortune] Generator The Random Generators Series is derived from Lila, a word that describes the universe as a cosmic game, the outcome of ‘divine’ play. Maybe our understanding of this play is an act of passive perception. Maybe it is a story we tell ourselves.
The Random Generators play with the modularity of visual and linguistic structures to generate a whirlwind of combinations manifesting experiences of humanity. As a participatory art installation, it produces for and with ‘players’ a work of visual art that is aesthetically meaningful and creative. It also sparks for players a confrontation with fate or existence and serves as a conduit through which meaningful dialogue can occur between complete strangers. Finally, it is intended to move participants to create something that shifts their thinking or compels them to exercise their creativity in an unexpected -- sometimes uncomfortable -- way.
The ‘nervous systems’ of the Random Generators are site-specific gameboards on which are written different manifestations of tightly constructed ‘events,’ ranging from philosophical to psychological, improbable to mundane. These events are part of a growing database of thousands of tightly constructed human experiences. No two gameboards have the same design, and each gameboard is home to multiple games, distinct artworks in the Random Generators series.